Knowing the disadvantages of not having breakfast?

 Do you skip breakfast often? If so, it is a devastating health habit that can lead to many medical problems.

By the way, breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day and should not be missed.

However, it is good to know what effect this habit can have on the body if you do not eat breakfast often.

Read more: Eating breakfast before this time is good for health


Not eating breakfast increases the risk of developing life-threatening diseases, such as diabetes, especially for women. According to various medical reports, women who do not eat breakfast are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than others. There is a lot of competition.

Risk of brain hemorrhage

A 13-year study by experts at Osaka University claims that skipping breakfast increases the risk of obesity as well as stroke by up to 30%. The study looked at habits that had no previous history of cancer or coronary heart disease. The study found that people who did not eat breakfast five times a week were more likely to have a brain hemorrhage. The risk of is significantly increased.

Bodyweight gain

If you are worried about gaining weight and therefore are thinking of skipping the first meal in the morning to avoid obesity, then this is nothing more than a misunderstanding. Numerous medical research reports have shown that the habit of eating breakfast helps maintain healthy body weight. In addition, it has been proven that people who are accustomed to not eating breakfast, at other times, subconsciously overeat.

Metabolism is affected

There is a link between not eating breakfast and slowing down metabolism. Whenever a meal is skipped, it has an effect on bodily functions. The body's metabolic rate plummets to make up for the loss of calories ۔ If you don't eat for long periods of time, it can negatively affect your body's ability to burn calories.


Not eating breakfast or being hungry for long periods of time can adversely affect mood. According to a study, people who are accustomed to eating breakfast have a better mood than those who abstain from the first meal of the day. Not eating breakfast also lowers blood sugar levels, which can lead to irritability.

Also read: Somewhere you don't make these 12 mistakes at breakfast?

Heart disease

People who eat breakfast daily have a lower risk of developing heart disease, a medical study found. becomes.

Sans Ki Bo

Not eating breakfast is not only harmful to health but also affects social life as this habit can lead to bad breath. This is because not eating breakfast does not stimulate the process of salvation, which leads to a rapid increase in the number of bacteria on the tongue which causes this problem.

Half a headache

Skipping breakfast greatly lowers the body's sugar levels, which in turn lowers glucose levels. It not only raises blood pressure but also causes migraine headaches.

Hair loss

Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. There is danger.

Brain functions may be affected

The brain works on glucose, so after an overnight hunger, it is necessary to consume carbohydrates which are converted into glucose by the body and provide fuel to the brain. Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day.

Increases levels of a hormone called cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone that our body releases in response to stress. According to research, not eating breakfast increases the release of this hormone in the body, or in other words, not eating breakfast is a stressful event for the body.

Increasing the amount of cortisol in the body can have a number of adverse effects, such as weight gain, weakened immune system, increased risk of various diseases and imbalance in blood sugar levels.

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