Foods that help eliminate vitamin D deficiency

 Vitamin D is very important for bones, teeth, muscles and many other bodily functions.

Lack of this vitamin makes it difficult for the body to regulate the amount of calcium or phosphorus.

Deficiency of this vitamin manifests itself in the form of numerous symptoms and it also increases the risk of various diseases, such as hair loss, joint pain, irritability, depression, constant fatigue and weakness of muscles.

This is a vitamin that the body is unable to make on its own and its acquisition is to walk in sunlight. But there are some foods that can help alleviate vitamin D deficiency.

Fat fish

Fish is a good source of vitamin D and almost all types of fish are helpful in this regard. However, fatty fish is more beneficial and there is another benefit of this diet and that is beneficial for heart health. Achieving omega-3 fatty acids.


Prawns are very tasty seafood and they are also very low in fat but high in vitamin D, the body also gets omega 3 fatty acids from food, however, it has high cholesterol content. But so far there is no evidence that it is harmful to health.


For those who do not like to eat fish or prawns, eggs are a good option for those who are rich in vitamin D as well as other nutrients. However, egg whites are high in protein but Vitamins and minerals are usually in the yolk. 

An egg yolk provides some amount of vitamin D to the body, especially in native eggs, which is 3 to 4 times higher than in farm eggs.

Special Mushrooms

Like humans, mushrooms have the ability to make vitamin D in sunlight, but mushrooms usually grow in the dark, so only certain types of vitamin D are found.

Fortified Milk

Cow's fortified milk contains vitamin D, but ice cream and cheese do not have this quality. A glass of such milk contains a small amount of vitamin D.

Fortified orange juice

No problem if you don't like milk, it is also possible to get it from fortified orange juice, however, the amount of this vitamin may vary in different brands, so it is important to check the label.


Vitamin D supplements are also common in the market and are consumed daily, but decide on a supplement only after consulting a doctor.

Cow's liver

If you don't like liver food, this benefit will force you to eat it. The cow's liver contains a lot of vitamin D, while other nutrients are also found in the body, such as vitamin A, iron and protein. If your cholesterol is too high, you should avoid eating too much.

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