Discover the radio signals of advanced space creatures, scientists claim

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - US scientists claim to have discovered radio signals coming from far away space that could be from an intelligent space creature. In simple terms, this claim means that advanced space creatures have sent radio signals to communicate with humans.

The research was carried out by a large team of 40 experts from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Green Bank Observatory, West Virginia, which was published today on, while authoritative astronomical research It has also been approved for publication in the journal "Astronomical Journal". 

This important and extraordinary announcement was made after exploring millions of radio signals coming from the direction of 31 stars, such as the Sun, and a more detailed and careful analysis of the signals that felt "unnatural". Is. 

Although all of these stars are similar to our sun, their distance from us is from 327 light-years to 10407 light-years. (Light year or "light air" refers to the distance at which light travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second in a year.) "Life" has not been discovered, but on scientific grounds, experts assume that life could exist on millions of Earth-like planets in our own galaxy, the Milky Way. 

According to the most recent conservative estimates, scientists say that at least 36 planets in our galaxy may contain "intelligent and advanced creatures" resembling us humans who may have developed enough to detect radio signals. Explain that radio signals generated by natural sources are of a specific and coherent nature, while radio signals generated by the "unnatural" activities of artificial sources (ie humans or other developed space creatures) are from them. Are very different. 

This means that if there were any intelligent space creatures in distant space, they would easily analyze these unnatural radio signals coming from the direction of our Sun and find out if there were any creatures on any planet around the Sun that These radio signals are emitted from the activities of.

 In the same way, we can detect the presence of advanced space creatures on a distant planet based on the "unnatural" radio signals coming from them, which experts call "techno-signatures". ). The Green Bank Observatory is considered one of the most powerful radio telescopes in the world. 

Experts recorded trillions of radio signals coming from space through this telescope in 2018 and 2019 and examined them using various modern techniques to separate natural and potentially unnatural signals from them. Meanwhile, 26,631,913 radio signals from 31 stars like the Sun were marked as "candidates" and sorted for further analysis. 

Upon completion of a more detailed and careful analysis, 4539 of these radio signals were found to meet the requirements of "Techno Signatures". Over the course of another year, 99.73% of these signals were classified as "correctly identified techno signatures." 

This is, of course, a very unusual announcement of its kind, and one can rightly expect that in the coming days a new and heated debate will begin on the old topic of "Does space creatures exist?" 

Note: The preparation of this news has also been assisted by recent news published on "Science Alert".

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